
Archive for the ‘Goddesses’ Category

When I am asked what my spiritual and/or religious beliefs are, I answer that I am a Neteru-Am Kemetic. This, of course, has caused a lot of confusion throughout the course of answering this question, but it is the only answer that I feel satisfied with. And thus, I feel it is necessary that there be some explaination of what I mean.

“Neteru-Am” can be translated as either “child of the Neteru” or “pupil of the Neteru”. I personally view it in both concepts, as a “child-pupil”. The Neteru, of course, are the Gods of Kemet — the native name of Egypt in ancient times. I am Their child as much as I am Their pupil, learning from Them and growing in Their presense in body, mind, and spirit.

“Kemetic Spirituality” offers the only escape from the automatic assumption of Orthodoxy or Reconstructionism of the ancient religion, which is impossible, as the original religion was a state religion. There is a group that is the Reformed Kemetic group that I can agree with on their methods as they work out how their beliefs should be, though I don’t know so much about a strict doctorine… This is why I chose to refer to the Neteru-Am Kemetic belief as a spirituality rather than a religion, though it is very much both.

With each day, I honor Re, the Lord of the Sun, with a brief prayer if I do not have time for anything else. Often I will make an offering of song and praise at sunrise, but sometimes certain circumstances do not allow for this, so I make a simple prayer of praise as an offering to Him.

 Throughout the day I offer prayers, foods, drinks, and various other items to various Neteru. As He is my Master, my primary focus is generally focused towards Anpu. Djehuty, whom is my Patron, also is another primary focus. Because let’s face it. It’s hard as hell to honor every Deity you worship when They number in the hundreds, if not more.

These are part of my daily rituals and have become a part of my daily life. If I am forced off this routine, I’m out of whack all day and feel very disconnected from Them during the course of the day. It is then that I often perform a devotional ceremony rite at the first chance I have time for, just to help myself through the rest of the day by bringing myself back into attunement with the Neteru.

There is a freedom found in this that most people don’t experience. I feel the presense of many of the Neteru around me throughout the day. There is no specific holidays that I must celebrate. There are no rites, rituals or specific things I must do by religious doctorine. My practices are led only by inspiration, intuition, and the guidance of the Neteru. In so long as it fulfills my spiritual needs and pleases Them, isn’t that all that really matters?

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